Known of God

I’m known as Headwind.

In the language of the Dalek homeworld it’s translated as “the oncoming storm.” it can also be paraphrased as “brain fart.”

I’m also known as Jediael, “the Unexpected,” and to cap it all off, I’m the pinch hitter for the Parkway Padres.

The Bad News Bears

of The Apocalypse

The Bad News Bears is a 1976 American sports comedy film directed by Michael Ritchie and written by Bill Lancaster. It stars Walter Matthau as an alcoholic ex-baseball pitcher who becomes a coach for a youth baseball team known as the Bears. Alongside Matthau, the film’s cast includes Tatum O’Neal, Vic Morrow, Joyce Van Patten, Ben Piazza, Jackie Earle Haley, and Alfred W. Lutter. Its score, composed by Jerry Fielding, adapts the principal themes of Bizet‘s opera Carmen.

Released by Paramount Pictures, The Bad News Bears received generally positive reviews. It was followed by two sequels, The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training in 1977 and The Bad News Bears Go to Japan in 1978, a short-lived 1979–80 CBS television series, and a 2005 remake.


The Parkway Padres are the Bad News Bears of the Apocalypse.


I’m thankful for the friend who was there for me at my awakening.

And I still don’t know what happened.