Sophia Proton

σοφία πρῶτον – Wisdom First

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

(James 3:17) ESV

Does the Bible contain sub-atomic Physics?

Sophia Proton is a thought experiment which is based on an inkling that the Holy Spirit combines the traits of scientific genius and cheeky monkey. It’s what we now refer to as Hypothesis 22.

  • Jeremiah, Bones on Fire

    Jeremiah, Bones on Fire

    I think that we just found the next member of Sophia Proton’s superhero team: Jeremiah. Whenever he gets in a tight spot his bones burst into flames.

  • Neinstein


    Our comic super heroines Sophia Proton and her trusty sidekick Kat Ion have found their Arch-villain: Neinstein. He’s probably somewhere between Sherlock Holmes’ Moriarty and Friedrich Nietzsche.

  • Visible and Invisible

    Visible and Invisible

    We (that’s me and the Holy spirit) use systematic deduction allowing the Bible to reveal how it interacts with our environment. As such, we need to clarify the usage of two words, spiritual and physical.