July 29th


Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

(Matthew 24:29) KJV

The third axiom of popular science (SciPop) is stars are distant suns and galaxies. It’s part of Galileo’s Bluff, wishful thinking, an inductive rationalization of the premise that stars are distant suns and galaxies.

SciPop has been built on a few ephemeral strands of wispy logic and one of them is the arbitrary decision to use the words sun and star as synonyms. Synonymy is a major deity in the atheist pantheon assigned to defend the third axiom. We need to know why it’s necessary.

Heliocentricity, the idea that the Earth and planets orbit the sun, is the foundation of secular humanism, the idea that humans don’t have a creator. Instead, natural forces over billions of years caused the formation of the Solar System, the Earth, life, and the human race. Unfortunately heliocentricity has a fatal flaw:

Frame of Reference

  • We’re on the Earth.
  • We observe the cosmos from the Earth.
  • We observe that the cosmos orbits the Earth every day.
  • Our frame of reference is empirically, and inherently, Geocentrospheric.

We don’t observe the Earth orbiting the sun, it’s theoretical. The sun, of which there’s only one, orbits the Earth. Stars aren’t distant suns they’re, for the most part, reflective objects. We suggest the formal name should be unknown luminous matter (ULM). The majority of them are crystalline firmament material (CFM).

Using the words sun and star as synonyms is a contrivance that started with Galileo as a way to make the case that Earth isn’t the center of God’s creation, and for that matter, who is this God person anyway? Popular culture loves the idea that distant planets could support human life. Once we saw the Mos Eisley Cantina there was nothing to stop the peer review propaganda machine from validating it with scientific jargon.

Synonymy – Navigation

1SynonymyMatthew 24:29
2The Role of Synonymy1 Corinthians 15:40-41
3Evidence for Synonymy2 Timothy 3:7
4Experimentation for SynonymyJudges 5:20
5The Narrative of SynonymyRevelation 6:13
SalvationRomans 10:9-10
– Navigate your way around Synonymy

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