Our Corrupted World

So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.

(Genesis 6:12) NKJV

We live in a world which is inherently corrupt, and we’re not talking about money and finance, we’re talking entropy and nuclear decay. It’s as fundamental to our makeup as proton and neutrons. Protons are light, neutrons are darkness. That’s how deep the corruption is.

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June 8th

Our Heart of Imagination

He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

(Luke 1:51) KJV

We (that’s me and the Holy spirit) can imagine things. When we imagine things we see a world as if we were looking at it with our eyes. Since our eyes are in our head it’s natural to assume that our consciousness is also in our head.

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